As If It’s Almost 2015?! – A Reflection

So it’s that time of year again, new year is upon us, the obligatory “new year new me” stuff has been overwhelming our social media and we are still feeling the after effects of Christmas.

This year has been one of the weirdest and craziest years ever.

I finished my first year at Uni, moved out of Halls, found my own house and now live with 4 new people. I’ve been to festivals, spent way too much, become way too poor and have grown even closer to my uni friends.

This year I feel has also been a great year for tv and film.
Doctor Who was on fine form once again. Capaldi is excellent and I for one can’t wait to see how his Doctor develops. Clara on the other hand, the sooner she dies the better.
We’ve had some amazing films like Guardians of the Galaxy. Now probably one of my favourite Marvel films ever. We’ve also seen some immense one off documentaries and tv films throughout the year.

But I think in general, 2014 has been a good one.

It’s crazy to think how quick this year has actually gone. It feels like yesterday we were breaking up for summer, and now I’m nearly half way through my second year of uni already.

In personal terms, I think I’ve grown much stronger as a person. I’ve overcome personal and not so personal struggles. Meant the true meaning of being poor, and been there for family in need too this past year. I’ve grown to love myself a lot more than I previously did. Not that I think I’m Beyoncรฉ every time I look in the mirror now but I’ve grown to love and accept myself more now, which I hope has made me more confident (not cocky I hope).

Next year, I’m going to try and keep this new found attitude up. I WILL try my hardest at uni and not scrape through which I did last year. I hope to have a happy/healthy/more wealthy time and worry less, but love more.

Also we see the return of Sherlock and Doctor Who next year. They’ve both got a lot to live up to now so I also hope they’re going to be as awesome as I know they can be.

I’m waffling now.
So, TTFN bitches.

Meg’s Into The Dalek Review!

I wrote this a few days ago and frankly I forgot to post the link up here, apologies.

So this is my review. As you may or may not have read I now contribute to the Doctor Who Worldwide website now writing reviews and such! ๐Ÿ˜€

Enjoy dear followers (if I have any)



HAVE YOU SEEN? – Doctor Who Official Episode Titles!

The official Doctor Who team have finally confirmed all the episode titles for Series 8.

One thing I noticed apart from the other AWESOME sounding titles.. Is this one; “Mummy On The Orient Express”


Either they’ve got a new story about it, and Moffat loved the idea of it in series 5. OR maybe there’s something more??? Who knows, it’s not as if 11/Amy and Rory are going to come back so my vote is it’s going to be an entirely new story. But COINCIDENCE much!

Take a look for yourself!


There Is A Doctor Who Themed Restaurant!

^ there in the link above is the answer to my dreams. A place where fans can gather and eat in a space where they won’t feel judged or feel like they have to conceal their inner Whovian.

In America (where else would it be), well New York specifically. A special Doctor Who themed restaurant has opened, even serving their own version of fish fingers and custard.
Everything looks amazing, and my GOD it’s making me want to go to New York even more than I did before.

So can some amazing person just lend me a couple of grand so I can go that would be marvellous. Or can I win the lottery? that would be awesome too.


Why Clara Oswald of Doctor Who fame should go bad.

It’s as simple as it is in the title.

I would love to see Clara go bad.


A fair enough question…
I would like her to go bad because so far in the modern era of Doctor Who (2005+), not one of the Doctor’s companions has a bad bone in their body. That’s great, and I wouldn’t change any of them for anything.

However with Clara, now her ‘Impossible Girl’ arc has ended after Series 7. In terms of development I personally don’t see her character progressing. There’s been rumours from those that have seen Deep Breath from the World Tour, that Jenna has stepped her game up and Clara has been written much better. HOORAH.
But still, if and when Jenna leaves (again, rumours about that are starting to pick up pace) it would be refreshing and surprising for someone who has arguably been the closest to the Doctor, (She’s no Rose but she knows every single Doctor’s incarnations and been in his time stream) to go bad.

Now for someone like Clara, who like her predecessors haven’t got a bad bone in them; “I choose my friends with great care.” – (11 in Amy’s Choice). To go bad would mean something enormous or with catastrophic consequences would happen as a result.

Now of course I can sit here and say that, who’s to say that she might get possessed, overwhelmed by some alien entity, brainwashed of some kind that makes her do a bad thing.
In fact that right there is what I want to happen to her.

If she went bad just for the sake of it, because the Doctor pissed her off wouldn’t feel believable. If she was to go bad it would have to be in a way that enabled her character to still be liked afterwards. And make the Doctor feel better about it.

I have a headcanon here and a dream of what I would like to see, bare with me:

The Doctor and Clara are against some alien/general evil person, could be anyone. To follow the clichรฉs of these shows Clara gets kidnapped or loses the Doctor and ends up in their secret base/dungeon/both. She ends up being controlled in some way, as I’ve said, possessed/overwhelmed/mind control etc.
After some time she is reunited with the Doctor, unknown to him she’s not herself. She (in full possessed mode) clicks into Bad Clara, and ends up pulling the trigger and doing something monumental like commit genocide/kill one of the good guys etc. Going completely mental.

The Doctor realises she isn’t herself, tries to fix and reverse it. But he can’t.
So what is the Doctor to do? He can’t leave his best friend go on a killing spree/mental breakdown can he? If she was unfixable and couldn’t leave her. He has to do what he does ‘best’ – defeat the enemy.. Whoever that might be.
Out of mercy he decides heartbreakingly to kill her.
The end.

So there, that’s my headcanon/dream/part fan fic.

If that happened it would leave great interesting/dark consequences for the Doctor mentally, “am I a good man?” ๐Ÿ˜‰ and her exit would be dignified and original for the show.
Also; on the Sydney leg of the World Tour, Capaldi got asked to sum up the new series in 3 words and he said “TRUST.NO.ONE”
Headcanon accepted ;D

So; you’re welcome


I’m still here, it feels like ages since I last blogged but as I type I realise it wasn’t THAT long ago. So here I am.. Hello ๐Ÿ™‚

Updates on my very average life?

Life is good, I’ve come back to Hastings to visit my sister for 2 weeks. It’s good to be back, I have missed this place. It feels super weird though knowing I can’t go into Halls and I have nobody here I know again except my sister and her friends. On the whole though it’s good to spend time just with her, we’ve needed a good ol’ catch up.

I am FINALLY going to see Guardians of the Galaxy tonight! Words can’t describe my excitement. Me and my sister have that had bloody “I gotta a feeling” song from the Guardians trailer for about a week solid. I can’t ruddy wait to see it and KAREN GILLAN. Ahhh, my Amelia, all grown up.. *sob*

I am kind of dating someone! It is VERY early days and I am definitely NOT the type to gush about their partners all the time. So don’t worry, no blog posts constantly about every single detail :). I am arguably, very private in some respects. But yes, I am happy and I really like this guy, so fingers crossed it leads somewhere ๐Ÿ™‚


I’ve been re-watching Doctor Who again in preparation for August the 23rd. I didn’t bring my DVD’s with me to my sisters, so Netflix has been my saving grace. HOWEVER, today while she was out I was up to THE END OF TIME, and my laptop/and or/Netflix decided to be a dick and fuck up on me, making it go out of sync.. IN THE LAST TWENTY MINUTES OF THE END OF TIME. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FRUSTRATING AND PISSED OFF I WAS/AM AT IT. I don’t care if I’ve seen it millions of times, I was borderline crying and it fucked up, killing the moment. GODFUCKINGDAMNIT.

So apart from Netflix Doctor Who crisis, all is well. I bet you all feel so enlightened after reading this post. You may resume your lives now ๐Ÿ˜‰

Allonsy ๐Ÿ™‚

Why Am I Not At San Diego Comic-Con?

Pretty much what it says on the tin here..

Why, oh why, am I not at Comic-Con.

It’s on my bucket list. One day, ONE DAY I will be able to go all out.

I’ve seen all the Marvel stuff, watched a few links to live streams online and seen photos and selfies celebs have taken so far. J.E.A.L.O.U.S

If I were there I would be a deer in the headlights. I would need all 4 days just to take the venue in and looking around! (And maybe trying to spot celebs going around cosplaying incognito)

I don’t know how people manage to do and see everything. I’d get incredibly lost and end up missing people and stuff would clash.

But from the looks of things the one thing I can say quite safely is that organisation is of a high standard. Which it has to be in order to work.
Something I can’t say for most of the Cons I have been to in the UK……..

So if you love me, and you should (yes that was a slight Clara quote, judge me) then you will buy me tickets to SDCC next year.

Okay? Okay.
